When it comes to money making, someone said there is no easy ways. That ‘someone’ lied. I have formulated a very easy way by which you can make money online or to be exact make money at home…
When it comes to money making, someone said there is no easy ways. That ‘someone’ lied. I have formulated a very easy way by which you can make money online or to be exact make money at home…
Twitter is not a chat, though it’s often used as one. Users are not always online when they talk; it works like the offline messages in IM clients. What if you need to catch someone on Twitter and have a chat? You need to know when the tweepl usually tweets. Tweet O’Clock comes to help.
Twitter says, its not that they don’t have opportunities to monetize, instead they wish to focus on the product as such for now. I am sure that soon Twitter will think of monetization, so I thought of adding some of my own suggestions as well in here.
Gary explains in simple terms, how to claim your copyright (in his own way!). And I seriously support his method; because it gives the infringer one chance to remove your post.
RSS is Reader Subscription Service! Well, I just made up that one! From the webmasters point of view it is Really Simple Syndication, but technically, RSS is Rich Site Summary. It’s a comprehensive summary of the contents of the site which includes all the links and images