Blog Archives

Make Money This Summer in 5 Easy Steps

When it comes to money making, someone said there is no easy ways. That ‘someone’ lied. I have formulated a very easy way by which you can make money online or to be exact make money at home…

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Twitter tools to find Location and Time of a tweet

Twitter is not a chat, though it’s often used as one. Users are not always online when they talk; it works like the offline messages in IM clients. What if you need to catch someone on Twitter and have a chat? You need to know when the tweepl usually tweets. Tweet O’Clock comes to help.

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Monetizing Twitter: Few Strategy Suggestions

Twitter says, its not that they don’t have opportunities to monetize, instead they wish to focus on the product as such for now. I am sure that soon Twitter will think of monetization, so I thought of adding some of my own suggestions as well in here.

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How to deal Content Copiers who copy from your Blog

Gary explains in simple terms, how to claim your copyright (in his own way!). And I seriously support his method; because it gives the infringer one chance to remove your post.

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RSS or Email: The Choice Guide

RSS is Reader Subscription Service! Well, I just made up that one! From the webmasters point of view it is Really Simple Syndication, but technically, RSS is Rich Site Summary. It’s a comprehensive summary of the contents of the site which includes all the links and images

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