One good post is worth 100 non-sense posts’. Who cares about the number of posts a blog have? Instead people look for value in every page and when they can’t find anything worth reading, they just quit.
One good post is worth 100 non-sense posts’. Who cares about the number of posts a blog have? Instead people look for value in every page and when they can’t find anything worth reading, they just quit.
The All in One SEO Pack is your virtual Search Engine Optimizer. It does all the dirty jobs of adding Meta tags, the title tag, adding Meta keywords, adding a post description, avoiding indexing of duplicate pages (like Archives and Category pages) and other SEO stuffs that a normal blogger won’t like doing. And the best part; it’s all automated.
The Google Adsense Program decides which ad to display based on the keywords on the content page and the number of ad slots. If we could somehow remove the low paying ads, we could make more money online. Let’s see how to remove those Low Paying Adsense Ads.
Google Trends can give you the overall trend; but it does not reveal the exact keywords that people typed in to search. Then how do we find out the Right Keyword? Thanks to Google Insights, you can now find what people are searching for and what keywords they use.
How to Get Quality Traffic by Optimized Commenting
Tips to get quality targeted traffic by optimizing your comments. The comments that you leave on other blogs is your free advertisement, your authority and source of free traffic. Optimize your comments to get more traffic.