Whenever you think of carrying out any ecommerce business, it is important to encrypt all your transactions with an SSL certificate, and also to obtain a private dedicated IP, and protect your identity in the WhoIs info database.
Whenever you think of carrying out any ecommerce business, it is important to encrypt all your transactions with an SSL certificate, and also to obtain a private dedicated IP, and protect your identity in the WhoIs info database.
Earlier as part of the WordPress Optimization Series, I had written a tutorial on how to install and use the All In One SEO Plugin. It would give you an idea of how to properly configure the plugin and get better results. Read it here. The following questions have come-up, I thought its worth sharing
Google knows that, so eventually the position of the post depends on the keywords on the title and many other parameters, of course. But do not stuff your title with keywords. Here are some tools for keyword research..
In simple words custom fields is a way to add extra information with a post. Custom Fields can be thought like the “For Office Use Only” Fields in a bank application form. They are used to tell WordPress or your theme or any plugin – “Here is what I like to use with this post”.
That’s were we are going to hack. To win a giveaway you have to elevate your relation from the stranger level to at least an acquaintance of even better level. Results would be awesome and would last even after the giveaway ends.