Well, accepting Guest Posts is a good idea – you get a different view point, free posts, and some additional promotion from the guest authors side and so on.
But things can go bad, make sure you do the following checks
Well, accepting Guest Posts is a good idea – you get a different view point, free posts, and some additional promotion from the guest authors side and so on.
But things can go bad, make sure you do the following checks
The bad thing about leaving the tags there is that, any potential hacker can easily identify which version you are using. From another angle, if someone manages to find a security glitch in any WordPress version, he would be able to search for all blogs using that particular version.
Planning is vital for any progress, here I expose my current strategy to take this blog to the next level. Your suggestions are most welcome.
I have met some people who spend days and weeks researching on blogging, reading success stories and reading all the blogging tips out there. Here is the advice I give them.
A little while ago, I wrote ‘7 Tips to Make your Next Presentation Impressive’. Those tips will should help you impress the crowd, but we are not looking for good impressions. We need awesomeness!
As a confession, I missed out one very important tip in that post.