Site Goals for 2009

Bulls EyeA goal without a time limit is no goal, says John Chow. For the first time in my blogging career I am strategizing for a whole year. Here are the site goals of Million Clues! for 2009.

Things to Do in 2009

Increase the posting frequency to one post in 36 hours. This month, I had been doing one post in 48 hours. One in 36 hours means 20 posts a month and 240 posts in 2009

Reach to 1000 RSS readers. Presently the maximum recorded count is 105. That means about 900 new readers for the year 2009.

Improve Google Page Rank, Alexa and Technorati Rankings. Targets are Google PR 5, Alexa Rank below 100k (now around 500k) and Technorati rank below 100k (now around 400k).

Increase the monthly page views from 2500 to 15000. That’s 6 times more than the current hits; I will have to work harder πŸ˜‰

Host 15 Guest Posts. At present there are 2 guest posts from Jeen Hao. At the end of 2009 the targeted guest post count is 17. You can help me with this by writing a guest post.

Host 4 Contests
. Besides contests like the one running now, I am thinking of giving out all the Entrecard credits to the readers every month.Β  4 contests means, one in every quarter, so stay tuned!

Publish my first theme, first plugin, first video and first eBook. I have started working on the eBook and the theme.

Get more active on Social Networking and Book marking sites like Stumble Upon, Digg and Delicious. Currently I am active in twitter alone.

Help a new Blogger setup his blog, find a affordable host and help him (or her!) find traffic.

Take a session
at an offline social meet like a BarCamp or a BlogCamp.

Make more friends online. I don’t want to restrict this by any number, find maximum good and loyal friends. At present friends are the only returns I have from this blog.

Well, so there are lots of things to do. Now posting this online makes it a commitment and now I don’t have an excuse not to do any of this. So its good to make similar public posts, I think this is going to make me more responsible towards my goals.

Leave your site goals, (either links to your site goal post or the goals itself) here. Maybe we can think of a gift if you complete all your site goals for 2009.

Hello, I am Arun Basil Lal. Thank you for reading!

I am a WordPress product developer and creator of Image Attributes Pro. I am passionate about solving problems and travelling the world.

Divi WordPress Theme - My Review

Divi WordPress Theme
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  1. Wesley says:

    Good luck with your goals, I hope it works out for you πŸ™‚

  2. Albin says:

    Good luck Arun,

    I hope all of them you can achieve.

    Have a Great year

  3. Quakeboy says:

    I can see good reasonable goals here.
    I wish you all success reaching them πŸ™‚

    • Arun says:

      Well, I guess its easy to set goals and hard to meet them. lol
      My uncle once said, plan the work and work the plan. The first part is done, will have to do the rest.
      Have a great year ahead. Cheers

  4. TheAnand says:

    Just concentrate on keyword posts for the first 3 months…it will help with the traffic, then try with case studies…for rss…and …..good luck!

  5. says:

    If you put hard work in to this blog you will reach your goals.

    I like your blog btw and you just got one more subscriber πŸ˜‰

    / Patrik

    • Arun says:

      I am glad that a techie loves my blog, Will have to work real hard to maintain that love. Cheers and wish you a prosperous new year too.

  6. jagan says:

    great indeed.i wish you get them all in a set framework of time.I like your helping nature and all the help and advice you are providing to other bloggers.
    thanks a lot.

    • Arun says:

      Hey, Thanks for the wishes Jagan, Infact I learn a lot while helping you guys. Most of the times the questions others ask makes me think and i will discover that I know nothing. Then I start the data minining schedule (lol) and lure the data.

      Have a great year ahead, hope I can see your blog ready this year. cheers

  7. Toronto Condo Dude says:

    Good for you for posting your goals out in the open. Takes a lot of guts to do that.

    And nice work with the Church theme. I am thinking about going ‘church’ myself.

    • Arun says:

      Posting goals in the open has two advantages. One, your readers will know what to expect. Two, It will make you more committed. Right now the goals are driving me.

      BTW, The church theme is no longer available from Revolution Two. I am setting up a post with all the themes here. Do check back here to download Church.


  8. Alexa is a very important benchmark to determine the rankings and traffic of sites. Google is placed at the 2nd position as per Alexa rankings and traffic rankings and is facing tough competition from and of course Yahoo.

  9. Archana says:

    The first 4 are same as mine!!! wow.. πŸ˜€
    do you think i would suit for the last part of the third last goal of yours? πŸ˜‰

    • Arun says:

      Ah! Great men think alike (Only thing is that you are a woman.. LOL)

      You already have a blog, and its doing fine already na..? Let me see what I can do, Will tweet with you. See ya soon πŸ™‚

  10. Nigel Babu says:

    Good luck with your goals man. One thing I can tell you is, your posts are well-written. People want to read you. So post more and we’ll read more. Do market among friends too!!


    • Arun says:

      I am really trying to market it among them, its pretty hard to make the non geeks to look in here.. Thanks for the assuring words.

  11. Nigel Babu says:

    Also, do add a section for Open Source. There is a crazy following for that coz they save you a buck and you still don’t end up a leech.. hehe..

    • Arun says:

      I am not really into open source softwares, I love them ofcourse and prefer to use them. Will see to that. Cheers.

      • Nigel Babu says:

        It is possible to make a complete website using only open source. WordPress can be your CMS, GIMP can be your image editor, Open Office can be your official office package, Firefox your browser, and voila you are running on open source. Optionally u cud switch to Fedora or Ubuntu instead of Vista/XP and its awesome.

        • Arun says:

          Oh, I forgot all that, I am really using open-source softwares. I use WordPress, GIMP, Open Office, and Firefox. But I am still on windows, I have all the CD’s of Ubuntu, I need to switch soon. Will ask you for help. Cheers…

          • Nigel Babu says:

            ahh there you go!! so be proud and bring to your blog. BTW tutorials are a great way to get traffice provided they are something new and something that people do look for. I’ve been getting helps from blogs for quite some time..

            • Arun says:

              People always turn to blogs when they are in search of tutorials, Any ideas for a new tutorial..? Why dont you write a guest post..?

  12. Nigel Babu says:

    And one more thing too arun, great to know you are going to post every 36 hours, but if u can split your posts into 5 or 6 categories, we wanted you to post in each category equally. See if u can do that. It would be great if u cud do dat.

    • Arun says:

      Thats a real tip, I never thought of it. Doing that will ensure every reader gets something new regularly. Will make it a point to do this one. Kudos for the heads up.

  13. Rishi says:

    Haha, it seems that your Alexa rank goal is almost accomplished before even half the year is over. Well done! πŸ™‚

    • I just checked out my Alexa, wow, its almost there. Thanks for the heads up!
      BTW, you have helped me with the guest post target I have here. Thanks for that too Rishi!

      @All: Rishi have written a Guest post on his Samsung Omnia which is a top performing post here. Read it here.

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  1. Posts about Twitter Plugins as of December 26, 2008 | The Lessnau Lounge says:

    […] but I thought that might get a little annoying. Instead, I decided to make a daily twitter report Site Goals for 2009 – 12/25/2008 [ Bulls Eye]A goal without a time limit is no goal, says John Chow. […]

  2. […] with the html basics. Digg This is one of the social book-marking networks I am planning to be active this year. What makes Digg my favorite is the ease to digg-up stuffs. If you are on Digg, please digg me up […]

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