The Cost of Opportunity

Ever wondered why the giant companies rush to acquire other ventures? The reasons could be many, among them; one would be that the top level management knows the cost of opportunity.

Being the First is a Step to SuccessFor instance, twitter might sell itself for 25 million dollars today, but after 2 years it wouldn’t even be available for sale, not to mention the extra millions that would be then needed.

Just have a look at the most successful Bloggers out there. John Chow started off in 1999 with his TechZone. Darren Rowse started in 2002 with LivingRoom. Amit Agarwal launched Labnol in 2004.

Being the fist gave them the opportunity to learn stuffs and master them before the rest even noticed them. By the time people started thinking of making money online, and Blogging, they were the Guru’s and the masses had only one option – to follow them.

Why do Bloggers rush to pull out updates of the latest from the web? They know that the first always gets the traffic.

There is no use brooding over the missed opportunities and we don’t have a Time Machine to go back and do it all again. Good thing is that, something new always happen. Then it was google, now it might be Bing. Don’t wait till it takes over. Grab the opportunity when its fresh, Jump IN – Be the First.

  • When a new opportunity comes your way, (a partnership deal, a chance to have your post re-published and the like), don’t deny it, and grab it before someone else does.
  • When a new Social Networking site comes out, don’t think that you are already engaged with Twitter and you don’t need it. We never used Twitter 3 years back and we were still engaged. It might be the next in social media, so jump in.
  • When someone writes to you to have a look at his product, do it asap. Missed chance is a missed chance.
  • If you have an idea that seems to work, make it happen NOW. Else it might never happen at all.

I wish I had known these in 2001 😛

Hello, I am Arun Basil Lal. Thank you for reading!

I am a WordPress product developer and creator of Image Attributes Pro. I am passionate about solving problems and travelling the world.

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  1. Nikhil George says:

    Rightly said. That’s what always happen to me. When I first heard of Twitter some time back ,I just created an account. I didn’t tried to use that frequently until it became that big.
    Now keeping a close watch on Bing and Google Wave. I think Wave has the potential to be the next big thing.

  2. Mr. Radio says:

    @Nikhil – I’ve been keeping an eye on those 2 sites as well. I think Google Wave is going to be a little bit too tech heavy for it to really hit home mainstream. I mean what was the great thing about Twitter? It was simple, and anyone could figure out how to use it. Looking at Wave I don’t think I get that vibe.

    I think that’s one of the things to look at when shuffling through all of these new “tech” sites out there. If it seems too complicated it probably is.

    • That’s a good point. As you said, the best thing about twitter was anyone could figure out the stuff in 10 minutes and enjoy tweeting right away. Wave seems like a Web 3.0 tool for the techies.. We will see how it does 🙂

      Guys, Thanks for sharing your views!

  3. Amal Roy says:

    If i started blogging in before Amit Agarwal I couldn’t even think of what i would have become by now. We must be really quicker in in out information.

    • Actually I was thinking of saying that right in the post, but thought the readers would be bored if I keep saying about myself. Lol, now you have said it..

  4. Atin Gupta says:

    I have a little more to add in to your thoughts

  5. cheth says:

    hmmn… nice post dude I had no idea Labnol was popular.. i read it sometime earlier when i was new to blogging

  6. mohan says:

    Nice post. I like this

  7. Nihar says:

    You are absolutely right.

    Not only blogging. Even in IT companies. if you see ppl who started working in IT from early or late 1980’s are not big shots.

    Nice post…

  8. Chat Business says:

    Agree with your points 🙂 The cost of an opportunity can be double only one year later! Nice blog though!

  9. wonders why this trackback came in twice (thinking… )

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  1. Google SMS Channels – The major upcoming trend - Atin Gupta says:

    […] been reading Million Clues as per my daily surfing schedule and got a good article featured as “Cost of Opportunity” which introduced the solid foundation of various web entrepreneurs as being the first to take […]

  2. Google SMS Channels – The major upcoming trend | Atin Gupta says:

    […] been reading Million Clues as per my daily surfing schedule and got a good article featured as “Cost of Opportunity” which introduced the solid foundation of various web entrepreneurs as being the first to take […]

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