The Case for a Content Management System for Your Website Design

A guest post by James John. If you wish to write one, check out the guest-posting guidelines and details.

Has Content Management Systems come to a point in their development to have replaced conventional static websites in main stream website design?

I personally think so. Content Management Systems even in their most basic form offer so many benefits that they can be ignored no longer.

Designer in action

A static website designer has to spend a great deal of time in both development and graphics to even begin to compare with a CMS.

There are three main CMS candidates that have risen to the top of the pile in recognition worldwide. There are certainly more than three, but worldwide the top three CMS’s that are consistently rated as the best in the industry.

  1. Joomla
  2. Drupal
  3. WordPress

Content Management Systems strong points and attributes that put them in a class all by themselves and are the reasons why this author believes gives them a inherent edge over static websites are as follows.

Joomla - Drupal - WordPress

Better Focus on Content

Content management systems are just that a content management system and static websites can’t compare when it comes to the way that CMS’s organize and deliver content to your viewers.

Scalability and Add-ons

The functionality of a CMS is outstanding. The availability of extensions and plugins that deliver the stunning functionality is what draws people to them in the first place.

A simple website that even the novice can design would cost thousands for a static website designer to duplicate, if he could. Joomla alone has over 3000 extensions available to developers at this time. Templates are counted in the thousands also.

Easy to Design and Maintain

It is feasible for a business owner to have a website designed in a CMS and with very little training manage their own website. With the quality content editors and media editors that are available you don’t need to know code languages to perform changes and add content or images.

SEO Readiness

Content Management Systems have been given a bad rap when it comes to SEO. I personally know a Joomla Website Designer that has been having terrific results designing websites in Joomla as far as ranking well in the organic search engines. Developers that are well versed in Search Engine Optimization can capitalize on the inherent search engine friendliness and hierarchy that comes with a CMS website design for outstanding SEO.

If you are in need of a business website or possibly a redesign, take a look at having it developed as a CMS. There are quite a few CMS designers nowadays in most locations. One word of advice, if you are considering having a website designed as a Content Management System find a designer that specializes in CMS development.

The Author, James John is an experienced open source developer having vast experience in various open source technology. His work has been published at various article websites on topics related to joomla website design. Author has also worked with Portland Oregon ecommerce websites and provided consulting for the same.

Hello, I am Guest Author. Thank you for reading!

This entry was submitted by a guest author. If you wish to contribute, please contact me for my terms.

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  1. Nigel Babu says:

    The best would be Drupal in terms of adding features and WordPress in terms of ease of use.

  2. I use WordPress not only on my blogs, but also on every website that I design for my clients. It is such an easy to use CMS and it allows people who have no idea about coding the opportunity to easily update their content.

  3. I have been working as a content management and website Promotion expert for the last 4 years, Recently I have been doing a lot of freelance work . I contacted many companies and i got some projects aswell. I recently stumbled across this The Role of a Content Management System in Web-Design page about 2 weeks ago and found some useful material, so thought i’d go through the old bookmarks again to see if there was any fresh content, and i’m happy I did!

  4. Ethan D says:

    Wow, this is great. Thank you so much. I have been having troubles with this area but you have helped with this so thanks. I use Joomla alot!
    You can get a demo of it here:

  5. Elizabeth Hunter says:

    I use WordPress not only on my weblogs, but also on every web page that I style for my customers. It is such an simple to use CMS and it allows individuals who have no concept about development to be able to quickly upgrade their articles.

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  1. […] has also written, The Case for a Content Management System for Your Website Design, earlier here on Million Clues. You May Also Like To Read: The Case for a Content Management […]

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