Entrecard now presents with a chance to win 132501 Entrecard Credits. That would mean free advertising in some of the busiest blogs online.
Entrecard now presents with a chance to win 132501 Entrecard Credits. That would mean free advertising in some of the busiest blogs online.
If you want to win one of the prizes, you have just 36 hours remaining! All you have to do is to leave a comment here, or on the contest announcing post.
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Living an online life as a Social Netizen is impossible without some ‘life’ supporting tools and services. Some of them, like Wordpress, give me the very life online, while some others, like Twitter, is Life saving. Thanks to these services, they save my day, every single day…
Once you forget the BIOS password, you are completely blocked out of your system. No password reminders or alternate questions. Thankfully, there is a very simple way to reset the BIOS password.