You are a must-be Blogger, if…

Sometimes after being introduced to technology specialists or geeks (as we all like to call them), and when I realize that they don’t have a blog, I wonder, why they are not blogging. Probably they cannot find sufficient time owing to their hectic schedules.

This thought really struck me after I met Mr. Roshy M John, who is the Design Engineer at Wipro Technologies. He is a guy who designs robots and can teach you make your own bot. It is said that in the blogging world, Content is the king. He can write quality content, new and unique. And he should be a blogger, if time permits him.

I was trying to analyze who all should blog and I present my findings here. There are just personal observations, fell free to disagree or support it with your additions.

You should start blogging if any one of the following applies to you.

You should blog if…

You have inside access to technology and can provide insight into the design and production of gadgets and tools that the world would crave to hear about.
E.g.: You can write about the internals of an ipod or report first hand the design considerations of new software.

You are resourceful enough to give advice on anything that the masses use.
E.g.: You can provide 10 tips on safe use of mobile phones or provide a circuit of the design of a Line Following Robot.

After reading some articles on a popular blog, you feel that ‘I can write it better’ than this, or ‘I have some points to add to it’.
E.g.: After you read about a product review on one popular blog, you seem to find that the product is not good as it looks in the review; because you have had a first hand experience with the product.

You are passionate about one thing and would like to get an audience for your views.
E.g.: You are too passionate about Mobile phones in specific and you always can rate mobile phones and you never get bored talking about it.

People ask you for guidance on a specific matter, and you can satisfactorily help them out every single time.
E.g.: Your friends always ask you about computer related doubts and they consider you good at computers.

You wish to have a name and fame in the internet and would like your name site popping out when people google for you.
E.g.: See what you get when you google me

You wish to have a place to put in all your thoughts and get feedback on it, an escape after the long days work.

You wish to find like-minded people like you, make friends or publish your content without an editor in between.
E.g.: People who think like you and those who like your works will follow you. You can make lots of friends and there is no one to moderate your content. You are in total control.

If you belong to any of the above, you are someone who should be a blogger. Blogging is the best way the world can know you better and you can know others better. Money is just a by product. Doing what you love is not working, so if you are blogging about something that you are passionate about, you won’t feel the effort. And the real world responses will keep you writing.

Please add your thoughts to this and help me grow the list.

Hello, I am Arun Basil Lal. Thank you for reading!

I am a WordPress product developer and creator of Image Attributes Pro. I am passionate about solving problems and travelling the world.

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  1. Quakeboy says:

    True !

    I would love to see John Carmack (known as best game developer, creator of the quake engines) update his blog again.

    Find like minded people is a definite point.. I have found no other ways as efficient as blogging, especially personal blogging. I have one @ Second one to find like minded people is Social networking. I would love to see a concept in the near future which will automatically analyze, tastes, interests, music interests especially and link people to similar minds. World will be a different place then, a lot better.

    But usually people who ask for guidance on buying/choosing something related to technology are normal citizens.. But blogs have to target netizens who are usually more aware of technology that normal people.. I have not seen many normal people using Google reader.

    I am going to copy your labels – Out of the box, scraps – nice names you think of 🙂

    • balal says:


      First I am very cross with you for 2 reasons 😉 You never told me that you had other blogs, and when I checked your profile, gosh you have lots of blogs. And the second this is that you never told me you were on twitter (I never told you that too..right..? ). lol..

      I like your concept, maybe you should make the concept more elaborate and think it over at some BarCamps or Conferences so that someone might make it. Try it dude.

      In real life, common people do ask, but dont you think that they do lots of googling for that online too..? Most of them do and they dont have to use Google Reader to do that. And mostly in western countries, Europe and china more people do that online rather than offline.

      Go-ahead and copy the labels, They are all yours..:)

  2. Quakeboy says:

    🙂 my other blogs… I wanted to keep them personal, as I wanted sometimes to be like PC on QuickOnlineTips, but later changed my mind. Only 2 blogs are active, compared to others. CrusaderZ is for my batch, our memories, funny moments, events etc.

    Moreover my personal blog was a crap I thought, but I still loved as It was just mine, I wrote all that I loved etc.. Recently I had few visitors and people liking it commenting etc. Then I thought – Ok there are people who like crap too 😀

    And about twitter – did u check the frequency of updation ? I don’t get time nowadays to twitter or blog. But I never give up my google reader, I have to *waste* all my time @ office itself. Life is going to change once I quit this job very soon.

    • balal says:

      I was just trying to be funny, For me friendship is a bond without bonds. got it, no responsibilites or things like that.

      Quitting office is a good idea, I should try hard to not get into one. 😉

  3. Jagan charak says:

    inded an informative article .keep on posting all like these

  4. Archana says:

    good post there..i would really love to see a guide now on when you can monetize the blog too.. like
    you can blog if….blah blah..
    and you can make money if ….etc
    i guess for me its the name and fame + the dump of thoughts n rants.. 🙂

    • balal says:

      Hello Archana,
      Thanks for that tip, you just gave me a new post generation idea, but I would save that idea for later time. I believe that I have to make some real money myself before I can teach others make money, Else there is no point in that.
      Right now I leave all that to my Guest Bloggers.

      Name and Fame is a real catch in bloging, I have got some too. 😉

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  1. […] Make more friends online. I don’t want to restrict this by any number, find maximum good and loyal friends. At present friends are the only returns I have from this blog. […]

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