Should You Register Your Domain when You can avail free Services on Blogger or WordPress?

Almost all blogging platforms like Blogger and WordPress give you with a free sub-domain (that has a tail like in the end). You will get all the advantages and good readership, then why should you go for domain registration and shell out some extra bucks..? I would say that is a good question but, I’ve got an answer. Here it goes…

Why Domain Registration

The Domain Registration Advantage

Professional Look – The name says it all. A registered domain is the easiest way of telling the world that you are a professional blogger and you are damn serious about it. Domain Registration gives your blog the much needed status. Registration declares your name as a brand and people tend to look at your content more seriously, and that is exactly what you need.

Google apps Integration – Google Apps is a free package that anyone with a registered domain can avail for free. It has got email, chat, pages and related stuffs. You can create email id’s that read like using Google Apps. If you have a team of writers at your blog, Google Apps is tailored just for you, since it gives you a platform to manage all user accounts from one place.

License to Advertise – You have made an investment and you have all the rights to reap benefits out of it. Many bloggers (including me, earlier) who own a free blog fear that their readers might run away if they advertise. In fact, properly targeted and placed advertisements often aid the reader. A registered domain literally gives you the license to advertise.

Increases Visitors from Referring Domains – People tend to think that a registered domain has got a better authority than free blogs (and in most cases it does have). Anyone can create a Blogspot blog, but only one who is good at the job will register a domain. So when someone sees your link on an alien page (like in the comments that you have made on other blogs), the chances of a click-through is more if you have a registered domain.

Short and Stylish – Registration makes your domain name short and adds flavour. No more trailing blogspot or wordpress. It looks elegant when you print it on visiting cards, and like a well chosen email id, it’s easy to remember too.

Domain Registration is Cheap, so why not? – Registration will not burn a hole in your pocket. Registrants like Godaddy and eNom can register a domain under $10. IndiaLinks can register one for Rs 350 ($8). So why not invest some bucks on your brand name and take home all these benefits

You have to consider of registration only if you are too serious about blogging. Blogs hosted at Blogger and WordPress are also equally good and does the job for hobby and past time writers. But if that’s not the case with you, now you know what to do.

Hello, I am Arun Basil Lal. Thank you for reading!

I am a WordPress product developer and creator of Image Attributes Pro. I am passionate about solving problems and travelling the world.

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  1. Bumblebee says:

    Good article!
    I would recommend the Yahoo! service for small business. Reasons:
    1. Trusted company
    2. 5GB Space
    3. Domain Name
    4. 200 Email address
    5. PHP – MySQL
    6. Good template collection…
    ….and many more for…

    All for just INR. 1999.00 + Tax = INR 2200.00 only for a year!!

    What else you are looking for? If you are a start up, I feel this is more than sufficient!

    Bumblebee ….

  2. balal says:

    @Bumblebee: The offer package looks good. That will add to around $5 per month. 5 GB storage is good enough if you are not posting videos or music.

    If that is not the case, look for Bluehost (Unlimted space and bandwith, Recommended by WordPress, ) and costs around $7 per month.

    Cheers Bumblebee, Thats a great name.

  3. bobby says:

    hi dude i added u in gtalk hope u add me and we shall talk there… ur site also got nice posts…keep it up

  4. bobby says:

    hi dude i added u in gtlk and hope we talk there..byeeee

  5. balal says:

    @bobby: Sure dude. I will get back to you on monday, Gotta complete some stuff before we talk.
    Thanks for rating.

  6. Jewel/Pink Ink says:

    Thanks for your helpful comment about RSS and email subscription for my posts. I don’t do xml editing, so I’m not sure I dare try your suggestion without zapping my blog goodbye…but at least I have an option to try! 🙂

    I should really register a domain name.


  7. balal says:

    @Jewel/Pink Ink: XML Editing is no tough job. Make a backup copy before you start. Read the code lines throughly and you will learn to understand it.

    Just do trials and you will find the meaning of various codes. Give me a mail if you need help.


  8. TheAnand says:

    Will you be coming to the barcamp kerala?

  9. balal says:

    @TheAnand: Hey Anand, I am glad that you asked. I am not sure about barcamp, Acadamics is a bit hectic (technically speaking, its exam eve). I will get back to you with this later

  10. B. Durant says:

    Domains are so cheap to register I have to wonder what the excuse would be not to do so. Even if you don’t plan on using it might as well spend the $10 and have it if you want it.

    • balal says:

      I think most people dont know that domains are as cheap as $10. And sometimes Godaddy gives offers as low as $0.99. Spending some bucks on a domain is worth it, whether you are a big blogger or not.

      Thanks for adding to the discussion, Cheers..

  11. Hi!
    My name is Jessika!

    • balal says:

      Hello Jessika, Thanks for showing up. I think this is the way you should reply to comments if you do not have anything to say. Afterall Blogging is intended to make Friends and socialise.


  12. regdomcheap says:

    HI, Have a nice day.

    I have enjoyed all threads here during half hour. Some is right, but other is not right.

    If u want to get more domain infomation online maybe can give u some help.

    Best regards to u. Good Bye.

    • balal says:

      Hi there too,

      Thanks for adding to the discussion. You said some threads are wrong. Can you point out the wrong ones so everyone will benefit from that..? Its good that you left your link here,


  13. Amal Roy says:

    Thats what we call the right information every blogger needed. Really good.

  14. Viraj - New Web Business says:

    I had started my first website on a subdomain, the results were bad…very bad to say at the least …. was kicked out of adsense.

    • yeah, I was on subdomain (blogspot) too. Resutls were like 40 hits after 2 years. Now after 6 months on wordpress, its over 600 hits per day as of last week. Domain regustration was the best decision I made and ofcourse, shifting to wordpress was the second one.


  15. Wordpress Hosting says:

    WordPress has become the most popular used platform in its category. A recent search i conducted on Alexa found to be number 22 in the top most visited websites “globally”.

    WordPress not only makes it easy to create a blog but it has also been used to develop websites, simply because it makes it so easy to update.


    • You said it right, WordPress is very simple and flexible, but not everyone knows that, people still think Blogger is much better, even I thought so some time back!

      They will start loving wordpress once they use it!

  16. Samuel says:

    I think its better to register a domain rather than using free services.

    1. Your own identity
    2. Own Website Rank
    3. Complete Control
    4. Highly customizable
    5. No Restrictions
    6. Your own email like
    7. Free Technical Support that you get from Hosting company

    1. Costs incurred for domain and web hosting

    How to overcome this Disadvantage?
    Ans. Register your domain from .
    Reason: has very low and highly affordable pricing and provides Free 1 GB Webspace with every domain, a MySQL Database and Unlimited Bandwidth.
    So you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars extra for web hosting and you also get free technical support with your domain.

    I have purchased 5 domains from and I am very happy with their services. The speed of my website is also excellent and I am enjoying Free Webspace like anything. I have Drupal, Joomla and WordPress installed on my sites.

  17. rahmat says:

    Wow. This is great. There is power in sharing. Thanks for these tips.

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  1. […] Finding the best host is simple, define your requirements, then read the online brochure of various popular hosts and find the best package. When you have found your host, google for the quality of their service, support and usual downtime period. You can read the wordpress hosting guide by WordPress Codex team for suggestions. If you still have not registered your domain yet, do it now and take all its advantages home. […]

  2. […] Finding the best host is simple, define your requirements, then read the online brochure of various popular hosts and find the best package. When you have found your host, google for the quality of their service, support and usual downtime period. You can read the wordpress hosting guide by WordPress Codex team for suggestions. If you still have not registered your domain yet, do it now and take all its advantages home. […]

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