Monetize Your Blog and Earn Cash Now!

Guest Article by Jeen Hao from Blogs To Wealth

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Nowadays, blogging is no longer a hobby alone, but also a career. Many bloggers start their internet business and earn cash with their blogs. Do you believe that a blog can become you money generator? Here I will tell you some methods and ways to make money online via blogging.

Monetizing Strategies for a Blog

1. Google Adsense

Google Adsense is the best ad network which you get paid by clicks and impressions. It displays advertisement by tracking your blog content. If you blog about health care, it won’t display advertisement about dog foods. Besides, Adsense offer the highest payout per click when compared with other ad networks. Even experts use Adsense to make money online, although they have other passive income sources which is more profitable. Thus, no harm to join Adsense and I am sure you will get benefit from it!

2. Bidvertiser

I highly recommend this ad network. It is a Cost per Click ad network that closely compete with Google Adsense. Its main advantage over Adsense is Bidvertiser allows low payout at only $10 which means you need to make $10 in order to be paid. It also offers a nice revenue share. If person who refers you earn $10, you will earn an extra $10 from Bidvertiser. If person who refers you make $50, you can get another $40 from Bidvertiser. Imagine that you have more than 10 or 20 referrals can how much you will earn πŸ˜‰

3. ClickBank

Next, what you need to do is, start making money with an affiliate program. I highly recommend ClickBank. It offers up to 75% of commission per sale, which is very profitable. Besides, there are more than 10,000 products that you can promote in your sites! Choose a product which suit your blog niche as well as high commission and start promoting it and you will make more money compared to ad networks. Click here to learn more about affiliate marketing.

4. PLR Products

You can also sell your own products, which is known as Private Label Rights (PLR) products. PLR products are products which you can brand yourself as the author. This method is also very profitable. You can create you own products such as eBooks and sell it. You should promote it with your blog so that your readers will know more details about the products. Click here to know more about PLR products. Branding yourself as an expert in your field can encourage more buyers πŸ˜‰

These are the 4 common ways to make money online via blogging. These 4 methods are really profitable. Of course, traffic is very important, because you won’t get any clicks or sales if you have no traffic. Thus, spending more time to drive traffic for your blog or site is the most important thing. No people step into your shop means you have no chance to sell out your things and earn money πŸ™‚

This article was written by Jeen Hao. Check out his blog, Blogs To Wealth where he writes about more Money Making Strategies, Marketing, Blogging and related stuffs. If you wish to write a Guest Article, you can do so here.

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  1. Dassle Devy says:

    Points 3 and 4 really helped. I never knew anything like that. Thanks really. Its a nice post.

  2. balal says:

    @Dassle Devy: Cheers Devy, I am glad to know that it really helped you. Gr8.

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  4. Jerry says:

    Short and to the point. I like that. Two weeks and his first $1000.00 ck? I don’t think so!

  5. s.manimaraa says:

    hi dear, have you earned from any of the ways you suggested to make money online (other than the genuine lovely darling google adsense)Let us tell how you make money online so that will boost our interests . Any how good work and you have a bright future too.

    • Hmm.. Actually this was a Guest post, so its not my views its the guest posters views. Personally, I use only Google Adsense and Affiliate sales to earn direct money from the blog and I get Clients so I make money indirectly, btw, I am not into making-money-online kind of stuffs, if it comes in, I take it, I dont run after it.

      Thanks for the wishes πŸ™‚

  6. Pavan Somu says:

    awaesome post.. thanks yaar

  7. Joe Ryder - Make Money Online says:

    I’ve never really thought about creating my own ebooks and such. Thanks for the ideas.

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  2. […] Blog Monetization Strategies – Some ways to make money out of your blog. […]

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