Visit your Favorite Websites with a Single Character

We all have our own favourite sites. We visit some websites several times a day. For easy access, we add such sites to the Bookmarks toolbar or to the Favourite list. Most browsers give suggestions based on your history as you type in, so you can easily select it from the list.

With a simple hack, Windows users can access their favourite with a single character, saving the extra time needed to use the mouse to click the bookmark, or the time spent in choosing it from the suggested list.

Access Favourite Websites Faster

High Speed Browsing

Windows uses a file to map IP addresses to host names. We can use this file to map our one letter short-forms for websites to its corresponding IP addresses. Essentially, this hack will work for those sites with static IP address. Most popular sites have a static IP.

  • In your Windows Explorer, navigate to Root Folder (Usually C:\) > Windows > System32 > drivers > etc
  • Find the file named hosts and make a backup of it somewhere else.
  • Open the file in Notepad or any text editor of your choice.
  • Find the IP address of your site using this tool. Type in the IP address in a new window and see if its working. (e.g.: IP of is
  • To the end of the file named hosts, add the IP address of your favourite site and the character you would like to use for it. Separate the IP address and the character with a space. (e.g.: t)
  • Save the file. Open a browser window, type the character (e.g.: t) and see if its working.

This is browser independent, works on all browsers.

Did you know that you could assign keywords to Bookmarks in Firefox and then access them easily? Here are two Time Saving Features in Firefox that you might have missed.

Hello, I am Arun Basil Lal. Thank you for reading!

I am a WordPress product developer and creator of Image Attributes Pro. I am passionate about solving problems and travelling the world.

Divi WordPress Theme - My Review

Divi WordPress Theme
Divi is a WordPress theme that web designers do not want you to know. It comes with a drag-and-drop theme builder. You can build beautiful looking unique websites without touching a line of code. Just choose from one of the many pre-made layouts, or pick elements and arrange them any way you like.

Divi is every WordPress developer's wet dream. Surprise your clients with neat responsive websites and have fun building them.

Divi comes from Elegant Themes. If you enjoy building websites, you *need* an Elegant Themes membership. 87 beautiful themes and 5 plugins for the cost of less than a candy-bar each!

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  1. Amal Roy says:

    Nice find bro. Very useful one. Here is another time saving tip in firefox to open favorite website using keyboard shortcuts.

  2. Ricky says:

    Hey good tip. I’ll definitely give it a try. The only problem is I have a huge list of sites.

  3. poch says:

    That was real SAVVY.

  4. Hakeem - technology and gadgets says:

    Thanks! God advice.

  5. Hesham says:

    nice, I didn’t know about this before!

  6. Ajith says:

    Since I use Open DNS at home, I get to create short cuts that works in all browsers. Your trick may be a little faster as the IP gets resolved locally. Remember having used the hosts file trick for testing webapps on various machines in our org long back.

  7. sham says:

    Nice trick…Super cool Hot key 😉

  8. OMG Thats Cute says:

    Wow this makes me very easy to browse, thanks for the tip bro – many people don’t consider these things to be shared, but they forget that these are also important.

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