Yearly Archives: 2017

Sanitize And Escape Text Input In WordPress

For general sanitization of text input fields and text areas for plugin options and such, use: sanitize_text_field( string $string ) For escaping in general for text input fields, use: esc_attr( string $string ) @refer

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Get Raw Unfiltered Post Title In WordPress

To retrieve the post title of a post as saved in the wp_posts table in the WordPress database use this <?php echo get_post_field( ‘post_title’, $post_id, ‘raw’ ); ?> If you use get_the_title() function, WordPress applies the ‘the_title‘ filter before returning

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Find All Posts Containing Given Image In WordPress

Pass the id of the image to the function and it will return an array with the id’s of all the posts that use the given image. /** * Find all posts that uses the given image * * @param  $image_id  Integer    ID

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6 Reasons Why You Need An Expert’s Help In Improving SEO

With the continuous rise in the importance of the online world, more companies rushing towards creating an online presence! It is a wild dash for all the companies to start getting their online version running to gain the traction from

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STOP! 6 Key Questions To Ask Before You Outsource

One of the most important strategic tools that new business owners use is that of outsourcing. This concept has allowed businesses to focus on their core strengths and at the same time use other sources to supplement their other requirements.

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