WordPress comes with many easy-to-use functions which are called into the themes where ever needed. How do you know the purpose of a function?
You can Google it and find the details or, you can also use the WordPress Theme Editor.
WordPress comes with many easy-to-use functions which are called into the themes where ever needed. How do you know the purpose of a function?
You can Google it and find the details or, you can also use the WordPress Theme Editor.
I knew I had to write faster and write more, but I wanted to maintain the quality per post. So loose posts was not an option.
Instead I did the following changes to my style, you can use some of these.
Once I tried to crack into Digg, but gave up the plan after a discussion with @ManiKarthik for many reasons. But I have come to find Digg very useful for other things. Here are they.
One of the mistakes I made while starting off this blog was that I crated huge number of categories. One day I sat down with a piece of paper and decided, these are stuffs that I am gonna write on my blog, and these are my categories. I ended up with a lot of categories and sub-categories. There are some categories that doesn’t even have a single post, to this day. Here are the lessons
Best Blogging Practices might sound like an oxymoron when blogging itself is loosely defined. Blogging itself is defined in many ways by many people and I am going to try to give away some of the tips which I find will help corporate blogs reach out to their audience better.