Twitter is not a chat, though it’s often used as one. Users are not always online when they talk; it works like the offline messages in IM clients.
What if you need to catch someone on Twitter and have a chat? You need to know when the tweepl usually tweets. Tweet O’Clock comes to help.
Tweet O’Clock is a simple Twitter tool that tells you the most probable time to find a user online on Twitter based on the past tweets the user has tweeted. Give in the user name of the target and get the time instantly. You can choose to display the time on many time zones.
I liked the simplicity of this tool. There is not even an about page, but just a by line and a quick note on how it works. Less is often more! Kudos
Tweet O’Clock said Sunday’s 6PM (GMT) is the best time to tweet with me. Shh. That’s too close to reality 🙂
Now if you need to see where the tweets are coming from, turn to Twitter Vision. Twitter Vision probably works like this: it grabs the Common time line feed of Twitter and takes the location information from each user, thanks to the API support of Twitter. Then it displays the Tweet as callouts on a Google map on the location as specified in the user bio.
Who cares, Twitter Vision gives a graphical feedback of the origin of tweets, its fun to watch it. Oh it’s a time sucker 🙁 use it responsibly 😛
If you had been reading so for and was wondering what the hell is Twitter, you should read the Twitter Starter’s Guide to see find what you miss in your life.
Twitter Vision site is useful ! And one more thing ! I wonder how you get so-perfect images for your articles ! 😀
lol. I spend a lot of time image hunting.. damn.. 🙂
Even your Gravatar image is nice ! 😀
Ha ha….
Thanks Pradeep, Thats supportive!
twitter time calculation was cool one.. and bout twittervision.. i checked their 3d version too.. I used to check sometimes..
but twitter vision 3d is better as it allows user to rotate the globe..
I have been using Tweet O Clock to track down people. Its awesome tool for networking, esp if you wish to catch someone like Obama online!
I just tried for Obama, it just doent return any time. Maybe thats because Obama is inactive these days 🙂
Thanks for that good share.
Cool. hope you find use of it sometime 🙂
Good, So now your fans can catch on Sunday at 6:00PM.By the way Twitter has been emerged as a hot topic among tech/non-tech blog fraternity due to obvious reasons..
Things like extended API support and the cool simple concept made it really awesome. Glad that we have something like that 🙂
See you sometime on twitter… 🙂
Looks like a pretty useful app, i follow a lot of non indians so it will definitely help! thnx mate!
We live in the US times ..right..? And most of our connections and services are in the US. I use the Tweet O Clock to track them down!
You are already a hero on Twitter, so many might be using it to track you too 🙂
@All: Cheth is a Twitter Addict, a cool designer and a Nice friend to Tweet with. Follow him on Twitter!
Good find arun.
Cheers man 🙂
None of the above tools are working.