Monthly Archives: June 2019

Litigation for Homebuyers: A Changing Trend

Another bitter dispute is underway over who should pay the real estate agent’s fees. Traditionally, home sellers were required to pay the agent’s fees. Some home sellers felt this setup was unfair in light of the fact that the agents

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Can Your Office Chair Cause Back Pain?

Lower back pains are common among most people that work at the office. But it is more common among those that sit in the office the whole day. Well, these people are not being idle, but they do work as

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6 Things to Know About Filing for Bankruptcy in Pennsylvania

Bankruptcy is a court proceeding where a court and a judge examine the liabilities and assets of businesses or other individuals who are unable to pay for their required bills and decide to discharge the debts so that they will

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How to Use Toll Processing To Benefit Your Company

As an entrepreneur, every industry or business you venture into will have its own set of challenges. In order to stay afloat and beat the competition, you need to have a solid strategy that will help you maximize profits. One

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Boost Your Organizational Resiliency This Year – 5 Strategies to Implement

Is your company as resilient as you’d like it to be? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “resilience” as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” What organization wouldn’t want that kind of ability? In the real world,

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