Blog Archives

Liquid Mutual Funds with Instant Access Facility

Why invest in a Liquid Fund when you can park money in a savings bank account or a fixed deposit? Let’s find out.

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Car Math: Calculating Total Ownership Cost

Let’s take a few conservative assumptions are do a little “car math”.

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XIRR: The Key To Calculating Your Investment Returns

XIRR is Extended Internal Rate of Return. For most practical purposes, it’s the rate of return you need to compare an investment against a bank fixed deposit.

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A Developer’s Guide To Translating Plugins

A quick reference guide for WordPress plugin developers who host their plugin in the repository.

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Building A Screwdriver

In early 2021 when I resigned from my fancy pants job at WP Media (the company behind WP Rocket), my mind was set on creating a product. Here is a story.

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