Blog Archives

Add Custom Post Type To Tag And Category Archive Pages

Here is how to modify the query for default taxonomy archive pages (tag archive page or category archive page) to display custom post types. /** * Add custom post types to the default tag query * * This will make

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Read Plugin Version Of Any WordPress Plugin

Using the get_file_data() function. More efficient than using get_plugin_data() function. $plugin_data = get_file_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/plugin-folder-name-in-wp-content-plugins-folder/plugin-main-file.php’, array( ‘Version’ => ‘Version’ ) ); $plugin_data[‘Version’] will have the version. To read version from within the same plugin: $plugin_data = get_file_data( __FILE__, array(

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Debugging Apache .htaccess Rewrite Rules

In Apache 2.4, open up httpd.conf and find the line that starts with LogLevel. Change that to: LogLevel alert rewrite:trace6 And restart Apache. Your error.log (in \apache\logs\ typically) will have the detailed trace of the rewrite rules. Example: More

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Unhooking Actions Hooked Inside PHP Classes With remove_action

Here is an example. The following snippet removes the action hooked from the SumoMe plugin – /** * Dequeue SumoMe inline script * * @author Arun Basil Lal */ function rocket_helper_dequeue_sumo_me_js() {      global $wp_plugin_sumome;   remove_action(‘admin_footer’, array( $wp_plugin_sumome, ‘append_admin_script_code’

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Increment A Number In A Cell When Another Cell Is Edited

I use a Google sheet to generate and manage invoices for my clients. The process is fairly simple. One sheet holds the Name, address and contact details of the client. I enter the clients ID into a box for whom

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