Spy on Conversations with your Mobile Phone

I guess there wouldn’t be anyone on this planet who wouldn’t love to get hold of some James Bond Gadget. Unfortunately, such Spy Gadgets are seen only on movies, not at consumer stores. So even if you want one, it would be hard to find one.

There is an easy way out. Why don’t we make one? Here is how you can make a Listening bug that lets you listen to hidden conversations! No, you don’t need to know any electronics to do this. Just some gadgets that you already have will do it for you!

Making Your Own Listening Bug

Spy GadgetsYou will need these stuffs to make your Spy Gadget.

  • Any Mobile phone!
  • A headset that works with your phone.

Now in three simple steps, you are going to have your own Spy Gadget!

  • Plug the head set into jack.
  • In the settings for the enhancement (must be somewhere in the settings menu), select the ‘enhancement in use’ as headset and enable automatic answer so that incoming calls are automatically answered.
  • Set the ringing volume to zero and the vibrating alert to off so that the phone do not make any notification when a new call comes. Make sure that the phone is always quiet.

To hear conversations secretly, hide the phone somewhere in the room. The microphone of the headset has to be kept at a place where it won’t be noticed but can catch voice signals. Inside pots, below Sofa’s and behind curtains are some areas that you can try. Remember to completely hide the phone from view so that no one would know when a new call comes.

Now, call your hidden phone from some another phone. As the hidden phone is set to automatically answer, it will be picked up automatically and you can listen to the conversation!

# Ideabox:

  • If your phone is a smartphone (like a Nokia E51) install some call recording software. This will give you a recording of the conversation for later use.
  • Use a dedicated SIM on the phone so that none other than you know the phone number of the hidden phone. Else someone who might call you will also hear the conversation

Note: Use this responsibly and at your own risk and never attempt to implement this anywhere that can get you into any legal issue. You can easily get sued with a ‘Violation of Privacy’ clause, so save this idea for the safer sides. 😉

Hello, I am Arun Basil Lal. Thank you for reading!

I am a WordPress product developer and creator of Image Attributes Pro. I am passionate about solving problems and travelling the world.

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