Here is how to modify the query for default taxonomy archive pages (tag archive page or category archive page) to display custom post types. /** * Add custom post types to the default tag query * * This will make…
Here is how to modify the query for default taxonomy archive pages (tag archive page or category archive page) to display custom post types. /** * Add custom post types to the default tag query * * This will make…
Using the get_file_data() function. More efficient than using get_plugin_data() function. $plugin_data = get_file_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/plugin-folder-name-in-wp-content-plugins-folder/plugin-main-file.php’, array( ‘Version’ => ‘Version’ ) ); $plugin_data[‘Version’] will have the version. To read version from within the same plugin: $plugin_data = get_file_data( __FILE__, array(…
In Apache 2.4, open up httpd.conf and find the line that starts with LogLevel. Change that to: LogLevel alert rewrite:trace6 And restart Apache. Your error.log (in \apache\logs\ typically) will have the detailed trace of the rewrite rules. Example: More…
Here is an example. The following snippet removes the action hooked from the SumoMe plugin – /** * Dequeue SumoMe inline script * * @author Arun Basil Lal */ function rocket_helper_dequeue_sumo_me_js() { global $wp_plugin_sumome; remove_action(‘admin_footer’, array( $wp_plugin_sumome, ‘append_admin_script_code’…
Introduced to the market in the year 2003, WordPress currently has become one of the most sought content management systems across the world. This open source software currently is used as a backbone to 74 million sites worldwide and the…