From Arun: The Following is a Guest Post. Its different and I love it. I would like to call it ‘Confessions of a Problogger’s Wife’ Leaving the rest to you!
My name is Kasia I am married to a problogger. Why is this important for you? Inspiration.
If you have ever thought about trying to write a blog instead of working for a company,read on. If you are currently blogging and some days wonder if you are doing the right thing, read on. Further, if you live in an up and coming nation like I do (Poland) and not London or New York you have some unique advantages.
If people do not understand your online efforts – this is actually a good thing

Kasia and Mark
I had never imagined I would marry a problogger, in fact a few years ago I had no idea what a blog was. When I told my parents I meet a problogger, they said that is nice Kasia, but what does he do for work? I replied ‘he writes’. My parents relied, ‘Oh he works for a newspaper’. I answered, ‘do people still read newspapers?’
I continued to explain to my family that he writes on his webpage about the things he love in his life. It is kind of an online diary and writes software. However at this juncture blogging is almost our sole source of income until our software is complete. They gave me a most unusual look.
This is the same look his family gives him mind you. Many of friends have tried to understand what a pro blogging is, but to no avail. I have just accepted that most people not fully understand blogging for a living. If they did, they would most likely be doing.
Important point about being a web entrepreneur: If you are blogging or doing anything entrepreneurial or even just online for a living many people will not understand you. Even some of your friends might start be slightly jealous of your success. If that happens, do not worry, it is actually a sign you are moving in the right direction.
Here is the reality – With blogging we are able to live a normal upper middle class life.
Advantages of being married to a problogger
- Flexible work hours – We can work anytime during the day. My husband works in the morning and I prefer the afternoon. If I need to go shopping I just go.
- More time with my family – It goes without saying family, not work is the most important thing. Having a website lets you be with your family. No commuting no nights and weekends at the office, no corporate politics to get your family down. Our daughter gets a lot of mental stimulation from both parents at a time when her brain is developing as both parents are home. We take her to places like the zoo and the aquarium while others are at the office. Our marriage is peaceful. I think many good marriages have stress from being apart so many hours a day.We are happy and grateful to God for all we have.
- Vacation anytime – When we want to take a vacation we just go. When we need to get away we do it. Being in the center of Europe we can hop on a train and go anywhere. I would say my husband is a bit of a workaholic, but since we are together all day, I do not feel it. In fact, you can take a working vacation by just bringing your laptop with you. We have thought of going to Italy for the summer and we can work there if we rent a cheap flat.
There is nothing better than living the problogger lifestyle.
Which country is best to blog in?
My husband is an American from Boston. Many of our friends say, wow when are you moving to the United States. My reply is we prefer Poland. Again many people can not understand this. But if you are a problogger or married to one, it does not matter where you live.
In fact you might not want to live in Switzerland or London or high currency countries and cities. I think you want to live in a country like India or Eastern Europe. Countries that have all the good things this world can offer but at a fraction of the price of New York or London.
This way in a you take full advantage of the global economy. If you get paid in dollars when you monetizing your blog, it is better to live in an up and coming country, and not a country that you have to pay a premium for everything.
Examples that illustrate why it is better to blog where you are:
We were in Vienna and water at a Kiosk cost 4 Euro. When we are in Poland were we live then same water costs 50 cents. It is basically the same bottle of mineral water, maybe better.
In Boston where my husband is from a flat will cost 2,000 dollars to rent a month. The same flat in Poland, in the city center, even nicer is about 400 dollars. The same flat. The same goes with almost everything in terms of price. A Mango in Kerala is cheaper (and maybe better) than a mango in London. It is all about lifestyle.
Therefore, if you feel you do not have the same chance to be a problogger living in an up and coming country. Think again, you have a better chance. Plus you might have more fight and motivation in you.
People I know from Poland where I live say, you can not make money blogging. I just reply OK and walk away. I do not try to change other people’s mind’s too much. I know my husband does well.
Monetary benefits of blogging for a living
- With blogging you can make as much money as you like. It is according to how creative (and patient) you are.
- Save money with no childcare Save money with no commuting, we do not have a car in fact as we live in a major city
- Save money on food with more home cooked meals.
- Save time (which is money) because you do things when everyone is at work, no lines
- Many other but I think you should find this out yourself.
Everyone’s break-even point will be different dependent on your expenses. We live in Poland so the cost is about 1/3 to 1/2 that of the USA. This is good news if you live in Eastern Europe or India for example as all you need to prosper is intellectual capital and the expenses are low in these counties. If you live in a high-priced country like the USA you will have a higher break even point.
Tips I have learned from my husband
No use in rehashing the scores of tips already on the web about blogging, so lets just look at the most important thing.
Focus on link worthy content not design. Design is important, but creating not just content but linkable content is the most important. Our designs are pretty basic, just a WordPress template. However, it is the content that attracts readers.
Do not worry if you do not make a lot of money. Choose the blog you love and the money will follow. If you love cricket, do not write about auto insurance, just to make money. Write something niche and focused that you do not mind writing about. I write about children and family in my blog Kasia, it is mostly in Polish so just use Google translate. My husband writes about economics and money. He showed me the way regarding blogging for a living and maybe I have inspired you a little.
Wow! Kasia, I hope you are having a great time. You are really lucky to get married with a problogger. Believe me, they are really talented and can manage both personal & Professional life well.
Since I’m not married, I can’t comment deeply.. 😀 But awesome post! Kudos to you, your children and your hubby! 🙂
wow, that is some great insights. Inspiring indeed…
Hi Kaisa 🙂
I feel you have really shared your experience with your husband who is a problogger 🙂
This post will not only help us but also many girls who never knew the advantages of marrying a problogger 😛
I wish you a very happy married life for future and also your kids to be happy forever 🙂 😀
The best part being married to a pro blogger is no difference.. You both will understand each other very well.. 🙂
Being a pro blogger I will find a Pro blogger wife or else will try to make my wife inclined to Blogging life.. ( not necessary) 😛
Have a happy married life 🙂
What we all need is a Web 2.0 wife, who understands why we spend more time with the laptop than with people 😉
I Think she should be web 3.0 to understand us (Web 2.0)
Lol, its too early to tell in our cases. We cannot predict what the web would be like in 5 years or so 😉
What ever the name is web2.0 or 3.0 or some other ……….
Don’t know what our life will become 😛
May need to find someone with same interest , but ……… 🙂 #lol
This is so wonderful. Not just because my grandparents came from Poland (I can’t wait to visit one day) but because I started my web writing career with my blog 3 yrs ago. A relationship I was in ended for many reasons more than a year ago–one of them? “You blog? I can’t be with someone who writes nonsense all day.” Well, from there I created a blog that has earned money but given me other opportunities. Needless to say, I’m still single because there are not many who understand the web writer’s way of life. I write 11 columns for an online site and two columns for a local web site. I make more than I did in many years working in advertising. I have a great home, happy kids and most of all…I’m so happy. I write day…night…morning…whenever it’s good for me. Some days nights, other days all day long.
The key to happiness and success is doing what you love. Kudos to you both! (PS…Arun, you’re doing so great with this blog! Cheers!)
This is great, I think Mark’s Grand Parents also came from Poland. Thanks for your kindness Cheryl 🙂
Awesome post… Loved it.. Really inspiring
Nice Thoughts Arun..
Every blogger should read this.
Yes! No standing in lines either. AND you can deduct so many more things. A higher quality life on less money. Once I get my latest site launched, I’m actually leaving the USA to learn Spanish and travel long-term, and importantly, do all this at the same or lower price than living in the USA.
I can relate to you regarding others not understanding it. This is particularly true with aunts, uncles, and other older people. Some friends don’t understand it either. But those that do, light up! They see the same opportunity that we do.
excelent. . . .. .
That’s the last thing my wife wants to have 🙂 She never wants me to leave the full-time job nor do I.. Though I like blogging I do not consider it offering a long term secured job kind of benefits. Just cash in the trend and move on to something else 5-10 years from now.
By the way, it is an excellent write up Kasia. And don’t consider myself a pessimist lol.. It’s just a different view point because I do both blogging and work in the Software industry and I love my permanent job better than blogging.
My wife has no idea about blogging :(.
Hi Kyla,
It’s really interesting to read your story and I had always wondered how a geek’s wife will respond to him. I never thought that blogging can make life this much easy !
It’s a good point that a blogger will have more time to spent with his family (and also with his netbook) and can take vacation at any time. He will also have much knowledge about everything and can have more time with you.
Anyway he is blessed to have an understanding wife like you 🙂
I read this post many times…its really interesting…let me post it in my blog too…:-)
Well, I am trying to teach my girlfriend to do the blogging in these days. Whether she learn or not but she will definitely understand what is a blog. 🙂
The best part being married to a pro blogger is no difference.. You both will understand each other very well.. 🙂
Being a pro blogger I will find a Pro blogger wife or else will try to make my wife inclined to Blogging life.. ( not necessary) 😛
Have a happy married life 🙂