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Disable WooCommerce Marketing menu

Add the following code to the functions.php of your active theme. add_filter( ‘woocommerce_marketing_menu_items’, ‘__return_empty_array’ ); This will remove the following Marketing menu added in WooCommerce 4.0

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Find all functions hooked to a WordPress action / filter

Quite simply add this near the apply_filters or do_action. global $wp_filter; error_log( “\n ” . print_r( $wp_filter[‘action_or_filter_tag_name’], true ), 3, dirname(__FILE__) . “/my_error_log.log” );

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Debug Tools For WordPress / PHP – current_filter and debug_backtrace

We have already discussed error_log here.  The current_filter() function will return the current WordPress filter or action calling a specific function. The return type is string, so it’s straight forward to just use it. Add the following inside the function

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Update WordPress Password via SQL (No phpMyAdmin)

Run this from a plugin or a file that will be executed. global $wpdb; $wpdb->query( “UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass= MD5(‘new-password’) WHERE user_login = ‘known-username'” ); Refer:

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Best WordPress Themes for Attorneys

WordPress is the best and the most used platform for building a blog or a website. It offers a number of suitable themes, templates and plugins for all genres and areas. There are so many options available that one may

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