Located in the boroughs of Westminster and Camden, Covent Garden is popular for its theatre and shopping venues with visitors as well as locals. It initially started out as a vegetables and fruit market in the 16th century and over…
Located in the boroughs of Westminster and Camden, Covent Garden is popular for its theatre and shopping venues with visitors as well as locals. It initially started out as a vegetables and fruit market in the 16th century and over…
Add .launch-contact-modal class to your WordPress menu item. This can be done from the admin interface Appearance > Menu. Change #contactModal in the following jQuery to the ID of your Bootstrap 4 modal. jQuery(document).ready(function($){ // Adding Bootstrap Modal to WordPress…
An awesome video series on Git and GitHub concepts. No coding experience required to follow.
Add the following code to functions.php or to a custom plugin to style WooCommerce checkout form fields with sweet Bootstrap 4 styling. /** * Add Bootstrap form styling to WooCommerce fields * * @since 1.0 * @refer http://bit.ly/2zWFMiq */ function iap_wc_bootstrap_form_field_args ($args,…
Add this to your jQuery file. // Smooth scroll When Clicking Anchor // @refer https://stackoverflow.com/a/7717572/8255629 var jQueryroot = $(‘html, body’); $(‘a[href^="#"]’).click(function () { jQueryroot.animate({ scrollTop: $( $.attr(this, ‘href’) ).offset().top }, 1000); return false; });